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Modern Style Living Room

Writer's picture: LoveLeeHomesLoveLeeHomes

I had so much fun this week when I had the opportunity to work on a truly #blankslate! I took this home from boring and brown to #modern and #stylish! I'll walk you through the process of how to put together a functional space full of style!

High Style, Functional Living Room

So, when I say blank slate, I mean, I basically started with what came with the house. The Fireplace. [Well, and a TV.] I had a consultation with the homeowner who really just wanted me to come in and make it look nice on a somewhat restricted budget! She didn't have a lot of requirements, mainly just having bar stools with a back! [I can work with that!] So I got started!

Living Room BEFORE Picture- aka Blank Slate

First I took measurements. I probably do this weird, but I always measure out the rug space. Instead of measuring the room, I use a tape measure to see how large of a rug I can fit. It makes sense to have a large enough rug that your furniture will fit ON it [or mostly on it] otherwise it can make a room look really small. Rugs are a great way to add texture, dimension and style to a room. For more reading on that subject CLICK HERE!

After I have a rug size, I measure for a sofa [or sectional in this case] Since this is a hearth room or "Hangout" room, I wanted a piece of furniture that was going to be loungeable...I don't think that's a word. whatevs.

This rug though....

I measured the windows height and width, because CURTAINS ARE IMPORTANT! For more on that, skip on over to this post where I give you all the goods on curtains.

And then I went on my merry way to shop and source for the absolute best pieces of home decor! When I do that, I shop from everywhere. I mean a lot of places. Online and in store. I feel like when you shop from all around you have a more custom tailored designer look; and it doesn't look cookie cutter like you went down to the local department store. But that's just my personal opinion. Currently my online shopping has me with 17 tabs open at the top of my computer screen [my husband HATES that] I think it helps me put a room together!

Super functional space with a C table and swivel chair.

First I visualize the type of feeling I want the home to have. Modern, Transitional, Glam, Eclectic, etc. And then I typically start with curtains or a rug. I look at curtains until I find 3 or so that I like, then I skip over to rug shopping. I narrow my field by size and get to scrolling. I often use the "favorite" button on sites to narrow down the playing field. Once I have 3 or so suitable rugs, I compare them with the curtains and voila a match magically falls from the design heavens and I am off to the races! [Unless it doesn't, then it's back to the scrolling]

After I selected the rug and curtains, I chose a sofa sectional. I needed it to look nice, be comfortable and durable. [kid and dog friendly] I chose the #ikea Farlov sectional. It's all washable, comfortable and stylish [and Affordable], so it was a win, win,! There was a great little space just perfect for that swivel chair. I have to tell you, I'm TOTALLY digging swivel chairs these days. They really light up the "fun-ctional" part of my brain!

Gushing over those curtains...I'm just saying.

And then the fun part, filling in the blanks! Art, Accent tables and Accessories!! I chose some fun lamps and pillows, nesting coffee table, and C-tables for side tables. They are such a functional piece of furniture; lightweight and so versatile! I especially love the inlay on the table by the sofa- Thanks #worldmarket

So there you go. That's my process. Well that and LOTS OF IRONING! LOL! Let me know if you have any questions. I'll leave you with a Last Before and After!

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